VOL. 43, JAN 2008 : Rescue your skin from dry winter weather with these great tips

spa packages new york city

Newsletter Vol. 43

Happy New Year 2008 from Shizuka and her staff!  Combat cold bodies and dry skin this winter with some helpful suggestions from Shizuka. Combat post-holiday pocketbook blues with our winter spa packages

Hydrate your body, Hydrate your skin…

Drinking water is essential to keeping your skin hydrated and your spirits up this winter.  Try to moderate your intake of caffeinated beverages and soft drinks and have a glass of water instead.  Hydration helps your body to maintain its proper function and release unwanted toxins.  To give your skin an added boost, keep in mind that you should change your skincare regimen with every season.  Shizuka NY’s all-natural Moisturizer ($62 at ShizukaNY.com/cart) is great for oilier skin types.  Those with drier and more mature skin may find Naturopathica’s Crème Cassis Bio Amino Replenishment Cream effective ($85 at ShizukaNY.com/cart/naturo.htm).

Winter Rescue Spa Package

Approximately 2.5 hours, $250. Available through February 29th, 2008.

Winter Day Spa Package New York City

This therapeutic day spa package (pictured above) is the perfect remedy for skin dried out by the cold New York winter.  A 25-Minute Far Infrared Sauna Session is followed by an exfoliating Coffee Break Mud Wrap and a 50-Minute Hot Stone Massage.  We recommend drinking a glass of water before each treatment, and after your session to aid your body in the releasing of toxins.

More ways to fend off that winter itch…

  1. Try not to scrath your itches.  Excessive scratching can make your skin more sensitive and lead to irritation.  Instead, apply a moisture-rich lotion or cream to the skin.
  2. A weekly mask can help to relieve dryness.  Try Shizuka’s Hydrating Oatmeal Body Mask…the recipe is available below, and online at ShizukaNY.com/winter.htm.
  3. A long, hot shower may be emotionally uplifting, but it can also strip your skin of its natural oils.
  4. Avoid harsh soaps, especially anti-bacterial, unless body odor is a concern.
  5. When you exit your bath or shower, lightly towel dry and apply body moisturizer immediately to your damp skin.
  6. For more tips and suggestions, visit our Winter Rescue page at ShizukaNY.com/winter.htm.

Winter Spa Promotions

Please mention this newsletter when you book your appointment. Specials are good through February 29th, 2008.

Take 30% off all nail spa treatments.

Add a complimentary GentleWaves® treatment to any facial Mon-Fri before 4pm.

Click here for a printable version of this recipe

Click here to visit Shizuka's Winter Rescue Resource Page

Shizuka New York Day Spa

7 W 51st Street, 6th Floor

New York, NY 10019


email: [email protected]/development