Dry Skin Prevention Tips

As winter begins, our skin starts to become dry and itchy, and many start to get sore throats and common colds.  Check out these tips to prevent and avoid these annoying winter symptoms!

The best percentage of humidity for people is 40%~60%. It’s so important to keep your body hydrated and skin moisturized all year round. Placing a humidifier in your home during the dry winter months can help prevent your skin from becoming overly dry and itchy.

Where to place the humidifier?   

Because a humidifier reaches all over the room, it really doesn’t matter where you place it. However, it’s better to keep it away from walls and windows.  If it’s too close, mold or mildew may develop from the condensation.  What’s important is which heater and which humidifier you actually use.

When you use a humidifier it’s best to place it at least 1 yard away from  you so it hydrates you well. Only one humidifier is needed in each room and be sure to close the door. When you’re away from home, turn off the machine and leave the door or window open to let the humidity go.

Which humidifier do you recommend?

-Shizuka loves the Air-O-Swiss Humidifier.

What are other ways to prevent dryness?                                                                                                       

It is important to take care of your skin but it’s also important to take preventative measures before your skin gets too dry.

1)      Avoid hot water and harsh soaps- Hot water and harsh soaps strip moisture away from your skin. Use a natural wash cloth rather than a synthetic one.

2)      Take a bath by soaking the body in warm water.  This will soothe nerves and enhance the cell metabolism and increase blood circulation which leads to beautiful skin. Also, it opens up and drains pores. The ideal water temperature should range between 96F to 105F. If the water is too hot it may overburden your body. Bath agents or bath oils are recommended to moisturize your skin and further relax you as well.

3)      After taking a bath or shower, pat your body with dry towel quickly and apply moisturizer. It penetrates into the skin when skin is still wet and soft. However, if you leave the skin too long without applying anything, skin gets drier due to water evaporation.

These products are great for combating dry skin: