Introducing Aromascape, A Dreamscape For The Senses
Shizuka New York Day Spa Introduces Aromascape
NEW YORK, NY – Sense memory is a powerful thing. A refrain of a song or teasing whiff of an elusive scent can take you back to a forgotten time or place. At Manhattan’s Shizuka New York Day Spa (7 W 51st Street), AromaScape, a new sensorial therapeutic massage, may take you back – or it may just take you somewhere you’ve never been before.
Spa owner and skin care expert Shizuka Bernstein has become known for creating unique synergies between ancient Eastern holistics and modern Western dermatology, and the AromaScape Massage ($125 for 50 minutes; $185 for 80 minutes) is the latest extension of her philosophy. Transcending the standard aromatherapy massage, AromaScape combines Western massage techniques with an Eastern aesthetic and pure essential oils to take clients on a sensory journey through an aromatic landscape. The aromas and their order of introduction are thoughtfully designed to create a large-scale emotional arc by pacing their levels of pungency or lightness, and their abilities to either soothe or invigorate. Available in three different experiences—Center, Glow and Inspire—each treatment delivers both the palpable physical benefits of massage and the emotional benefits of aromatherapy.
Over the course of an AromaScape massage, three complimentary aromas are progressively layered. “Rather than simply adding a drop or two of a pretty-smelling oil or premade blend, we chose to use three distinct aromas that we deliver in gentle, but surprising, ways,” says New York City massage therapist Andrea Nieto, who collaborated with Ms. Bernstein in the creation of AromaScape. “In a way, the scents lead you along a path, triggering different emotional responses that are enhanced by the rhythms of the massage.”
Each AromaScape massage provides a different qualitative experience. Center encourages deep relaxation and reflection; Glow nurtures a tangible inner radiance by reducing anxiety and promoting a sense of well-being; Inspire dispels fatigue and negativity while restoring the spirit. Throughout each treatment aromas waft through the senses in a variety of ways – they are lightly steamed beneath the face cradle and applied to heated basalt stones that are placed on the chest and in a corona around the head. A singular finishing touch involves the gentle application of cool moonstones—a fitting end to a perfect journey.

The complex woodsy and earthy aromas of Center. Autumn forest by Nedim Chaabene,CC BY 2.0
The complex woodsy and earthy aromas of Center transport the subject deep into a calm forest, allowing the mind to relax, the thoughts to focus. Exotic fragrances, such as frankincense, impart relaxation and mental clarity while the massage stimulates fluctuations in brain waves linked to deep sleep.* Center evokes a Zen-like meditation, guiding along a path that leads to an inner sanctuary.

The gentle floral notes of Glow. Sunlight through Window by Michael Slonecker,CC BY 2.0
The gentle floral notes of Glow calm the emotions, relieving stress and anxiety, and imparting a sense of inner radiance. When a final burst of citrus shines through, it uplifts the spirits, refreshes the sensory palate, and makes life’s burdens just a little bit lighter. The stress hormone cortisol is significantly lowered during the course of a massage, and both mind and body benefit. Glow is pure elation.

The fresh, crisp scents of Inspire. Inspired by Faith by Irina Patrascu, CC BY 2.0
The fresh, crisp scents of Inspire drive out negativity, inviting a more relaxed and optimistic outlook. Eucalyptus restores vitality while aiding deep breathing, oxygenating the body and reinvigorating the senses. Due to the stimulation of brain wave activity, even 15 minutes of massage can be directly linked to an increase in alertness and productivity*. Inspire is perfect for those feeling “out of sorts” and fatigued as it restores positivity and renews emotional energy.
*According to the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami
Shizuka Bernstein and her Shizuka New York Day Spa have been featured in numerous media for the unique combination of Eastern holistic knowledge with Western dermatology. Notably, Shizuka’s Geisha “Bird Poop” Facial has gained international notoriety through television and print in Europe, the U.K., South America and Asia, in addition to U.S. features that include CNN, CNBC, Fox News, ABC’s The View, CBS’s The Doctors, and E!’s Red Carpet Countdown the 2008 Emmy Awards.