Vol. 114: Recent Press
Volume 114 JULY 2012

Recent Press |
Hi Shizuka NY Insiders!We just wanted to share with you all the recent press we’ve been receiving about our Geisha “bird poop” Facial. This luxurious treatment may sound off-putting at first but is actually built upon a time-honored beauty regimen dating back over a century. Our skilled estheticians help make your experience a relaxing one leaving your skin feeling rejuvenated and literally glowing!
Check out our recent press:
[print]The New York Times (7/5/12) Thursday’s Fashion & Style Section: “Fertilizer for the face?”
Brazil TV’s “Domingo Espetacular” (7/1/12): “Conheça o tratamento com cocô de pássaros feito por Tom Cruise para eliminar rugas” or “Learn about the bird poop treatment used by Tom Cruise to eliminate wrinkles”
[print]The Huffington Post (6/28/12): “Tom Cruise Bird Poop Facial: Actor Reportedly Gets The ‘Geisha’ Beauty Treatment”
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