The Geisha Facial® is one of Huffington Post’s “7 Bizarre Ways To Look Younger”

Shizuka’s The Geisha Facial® shares The Huffington Post’s list of Anti-Aging Treatments: 7 Bizarre Ways To Look Younger with some other pretty astonishing treatments.

While The Geisha Facial® incorporates sterilized nightingale droppings and rice bran to exfoliate and brighten skin, it’s also a full length facial that includes: cleansing, extraction, a camellia & lavender oil facial massage, green tea collagen mask, and toner, moisturizer, eye cream and SPF 30 sun block application. It includes a relaxing scalp, neck, and hand massage as well. The Geisha Facial® is more soothing than “gross”, but we welcome you to come and experience it for yourself!