CBS News reveals The Geisha Facial as an Effective Beauty Treatment

CBS News

CBS News reveals The Geisha Facial as an Effective Beauty Treatment

An interview with Shizuka Bernstein and one of our clients aired on September 8th, 2015 on a CBS news segment titled: Ugly Beauty.

Sometimes the best ingredients in beauty treatments are sourced directly from mother nature, with results that are much prettier than the ingredients themselves. Natural beauty treatments that use all-natural ingredients like sterilized bird droppings bring added benefits to your skin that synthetic products may not be able to deliver. For example, the naturally occurring enzymes in guanine (main ingredient in bird droppings) retexturizes skin to impart a pearly luster.

Here’s a portion of the transcript from the CBS News segment:

Manhattan spa owner Shizuka Bernstein created a facial using nightingale droppings.
“I really do swear by it,” she said.

Client Amanda Hoffman said the bird poop, which was allegedly first used hundreds of years ago to cleanse the skin of Geisha, has made a world of difference in her skin.

The droppings are UV sterilized which produces a powder form of the ingredient mixed with rice bran to help with the smell. Clients said the results are immediate.

“So you must wonder, ‘ok, what will it do for the skin?’” she said.

Experts say longevity is key when seeking out ugly beauty products.

“Fads will come and go, but if it’s been out there for six to eight months I think it’s pretty safe to try,” Dr. Kavita Mariwalla said.

The Geisha Facial® has been around for seven years, since 2008, so we’d say it’s more than a fad, it’s a tried and true beauty treatment!