Vol. 61: Tips, Specials and Celebrity Beauty on our Blog

Find Skin Care Tips, Celebrity Beauty, and Spa Specials at the Shizuka New York Day Spa Blog

In case you haven’t had the chance yet, take a few minutes to check out our new spa blog where you can find great skin care tips and the latest in celebrity beauty and spa specials. If you have a skin care question you’d like Shizuka to answer, please post a comment on our blog, or email [email protected]/development.

Here are our top 5 favorite posts to get you started. If you enjoy them, please don’t forget to subscribe to our RSS feed.

#1: Fall Skin Care Guide

The weather in NYC is changing. Is your skin care routine? Find out how to change your skin care with your wardrobe with valuable tips and product recommendations. Read more…

#2: Secrets to Beautiful Skin

From a reader’s question, Shizuka discusses her secrets to maintaining a youthful appearance and to keep your skin from prematurely aging…a must-read! Read more…

#3: Do Pore Strips Really Work?

We’ve all tried them at some point, but are pore cleansing strips really worth the effort? Get advice on pore strips and when, or if, you should use them. Read more…

#4: An Aging Kate Moss Turns Over a New Leaf

All those years of partying may have caught up to supermodel Kate Moss, and the paparazzi took some truly unflattering photos to prove it. The result? Kate has vowed to do better by her skin. Learn more and see the photos in the post. Read more…

#5: Tanning Beds a Top Cancer Risk Along With Arsenic, Mustard Gas

The World Health Organization declared tanning beds a top cancer risk this summer. Forward this post to every tanorexic you know. Read more…

Skincare Tips, Celebrity Beauty and More at our new Day Spa Blog
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