Scents of a Geisha: A Natural Way to Heal the Skin

Scents of a Geisha: A Natural Way to Heal the Skin

Medical Daily visited Shizuka new york Day Spa this month to the get the inside scoop on The Geisha Facial® and to experience its a natural way to heal the skin.

One aspect of the facial that gets newcomers both squirmy and anxious is the smell. Because we all know poop, well, smells. However, because all bacteria has been removed from the bird droppings, what we are left with is its essential enzymes and guanine components which carry a slight ‘earthy’ scent.

Upon creating the facial seven years ago, Shizuka Bernstein, master aesthetician and creator of The Geisha Facial® decided to mix the sterilized bird droppings with rice bran powder to both sweeten its natural scent as well as add additional exfoliating and brightening properties to the facial. Some say the mixture smells like toasted rice or peanut butter. Medical Daily reporter, Susan Scutti, says it smells like ‘honeysuckle’.

Shizuka wanted the facial to be both results-oriented as well as provide a pleasant experience for the customer to unwind and relax knowing their skin is in good hands.

Imagine the scent of honeysuckle complemented with the gentle aroma of camellia flowers, green tea, and lavender oil all derived from the Shizuka NY Skincare System products used throughout the facial. Shizuka created The Geisha Facial® as a natural way to heal the skin while ensuring you feel relaxed and pampered throughout.

As Ms. Scutti remarked in the video, “the smells are part of the peaceful feeling”.